Cool crisp weather, get ready furnaces and heat pumps.

Fall has arrived suddenly, and there’s no turning back now (or so we hope). Sweater and jeans weather is here (if not, we will be burning water weight due to the heat and excessive clothing).

 I can’t recall such a long and record breaking heat in September to the middle of October to this crisp cool snap of air — morphing from a weather pattern filled with 90-degree highs (a record number, in fact) to one in the low 60s or even cooler.

Most years, the transition from summer to fall is gradual. Temperatures slowly fall from the 90-80s in August through the 80-70s by late September and eventually work their way into the 70-60s by mid-October.

But after such a loooong and humid summer, the consensus among our customers is that they are more than ready for the crisp, refreshing autumn air.

This also means it’s time to get ready for using your heat whether it’s electric heat or gas … that time is near, is your system ready? Before too long you’re going to be using your heating system to keep you warm for multiple hours a day. There are a lot of things that you can do to get your home properly prepared for the heating season. One of the best things you can do, though, is to make sure that your heating system gets proper maintenance.

Why Maintenance is so Important

Most of the issues that can affect your heating system are the kind of thing you won’t notice until it’s already caused a fair amount of damage. That’s the main reason that you don’t want to wait for symptoms of a problem to show up before addressing it. The best way to deal with a problem without waiting for symptoms is to schedule preventive maintenance.

Preventive maintenance gives your technician the opportunity to closely examine the system and isolate any problems that might be developing. Those problems can then be repaired before they could develop far enough to threaten the system. This can lessen the odds of a serious issue damaging your heating system by up to 90%, and increase its energy efficiency by up to 40%. Doing this consistently can save you thousands of dollars in repair costs over the life of your system. If you want to get the most out of your preventive maintenance, though, you need to be consistent about scheduling it every year.


Energy-Saving Benefits

Whether your home is heated by a gas furnace or a heat pump, regular maintenance is the key to keeping the system running as efficiently as possible. For example, a well-maintained heat pump consumes up to 25 percent less energy than a neglected one, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Savings achieved through reduced monthly operating costs make enrolling in a professional maintenance program a smart investment.


Better Indoor Air Quality

Central heating systems work by distributing warmed air throughout the home, but without proper maintenance, they can circulate airborne allergens and other contaminants too. Regular tune-ups are particularly critical for fuel-burning systems like gas furnaces. Without proper care, the byproducts produced during the combustion process can corrode the equipment and lead to dangerous leaks, including deadly carbon monoxide. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) stresses the importance of maintenance for gas-fired heaters, even for new furnaces.


Protection Against Fire Hazards

According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), space heating is the second leading cause of residential fires after cooking. Home heating fires account for around 625 injuries and 155 deaths each year. Fire prevention is the primary reason that the NFPA recommends having heating equipment cleaned and inspected by a qualified HVAC technician on a regular basis.


Regular fall maintenance can prolong the life of your entire system. As is the case with any mechanical equipment, neglecting small repairs can eventually lead to a serious breakdown– one that was entirely avoidable with regular maintenance. Winters wreak havoc on your outdoor components through freezing, thawing, and refreezing, and from heavy ice falling on to them. A professional HVAC technician can make sure any damage from last winter does not turn into a major problem for you this coming winter.


Gas Heat & Electric Heat Red Flags – Beware Signs / Symptoms

  1. If you notice an increase in your energy bills without a comparable change in the outdoor temperature, do not ignore it. Higher bills are often a sign that your heating system is straining to keep up with the demands on it. It could need a relatively minor repair.

  2. Short cycling is when your heating systems goes on and off for short periods. It may be a sign that your heat exchanger is overheating and causing the system to shut down. Short cycling can be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your system.

  3. Suddenly, the heater is blowing cool air and not keeping the house warm. This is an obvious sign that something is wrong.

  4. Your heating unit runs without going off for long periods of time, service is warranted. Call your HVAC contractor Affordable Air Experts for a service appointment.

During cold months, humidity in the air is usually much lower than in the summer. Low humidity means your heating system will have to work harder as it must heat the drier air. To help keep it at optimal operating efficiency, make sure that your air filters are clear. Replace them every 30-60 days to ensure smooth operation throughout the winter. Changing the filters on your heater improves indoor air quality and helps the heating unit function properly.


If you have any questions about the heating system in your home in Greer and the surrounding areas, (Greenville & Spartanburg Counties) contact the experts at Affordable Air Experts. We’ve been providing comprehensive heating installation, repair and maintenance services in the Upstate area for years. Call us today! 864-469-3856

Our moto is:

 “We heat the cool and cool the heat”

Call us to help heat the cool in your home or office.