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Humidity - Winter issues

Why Humidifying Your Home in Winter is Important?

Dry air causes a host of issues, including dry skin, the spread of viruses, and even damage to home and property. Humidifying the home is the best way to alleviate these problems, and whole-house humidification is the most practical and thorough means of doing so if the problem exists throughout your home.

Why Humidifying Your Home is Necessary?

Cold air holds less moisture. Keeping the cold air out and turning on the heat, will help to restore some of that moisture. These are some of the side effects, and warning signs, of indoor air that is too dry:

Dry air feels colder than properly humidified air, prompting the need to increase heat setting, resulting in higher heating bills.

Dry air causes dry skin and nasal passages, sore throat, dehydration and a weakened immune system, making household occupants more susceptible to infections and illness.

Many viruses, including influenza, are believed to thrive in dry air, multiplying faster and staying airborne longer. The problem is worsened as more persons are indoors and in close proximity to each other.

Dry air extracts moisture from porous structures and personal items — everything from wooden cabinetry, flooring and molding to important papers and pictures, paintings and more. Warping, bowing chipping, peeling and cracking are common side effects.

Static-electric shock is common in dry air, which, in addition to causing undesirable shocks, can actually damage electronic components.

Humidifying Your Home

One very effective and easy way to alleviate and prevent issues associated with low relative humidity is to use a humidifier or a whole-house humidifier. Humidifying your home in this manner improves the quality of the air and helps you to save on energy costs. There are different kinds of humidifiers such as the fan-powered or steam humidifier. Choose the system that works best according to the needs of your home.

The whole-house humidifying systems are ducted. Smaller systems are ductless and are ideal for controlling moisture in smaller areas.

Contact Affordable Air Experts 864-469-3856 for more solutions to keep your home safe and comfortable this winter. We provide the systems and the services you need to increase efficiency and savings in your home.